
Goat Milk: Does It Contain Lactose and Can Humans Drink It?

Most dairy products are made from milk produced by mother animals such as goats, cows, buffaloes, donkeys, and others.  Lactose (natural milk sugar) is an ingredient in all dairy products; however, some people lose the ability to digest it as they age.

An individual with lactose intolerance has difficulty digesting lactose, the main carbohydrate in dairy products. It affects approximately two-thirds of the world’s adult population at minimum. The condition occurs if your body does not produce enough lactase, which is necessary for lactose digestion.

Does Goat Milk Contain Lactose?

Goat milk is a dairy product and therefore does contain lactose. However, lactose levels in goat milk tend to be lower than those in cow milk.

Lactose is a sugar that many individuals around the world have difficulty digesting after they have reached the age of five. Consuming dairy can cause digestive problems for those with lactose intolerance, which can adversely affect their quality of life. For those who suffer from lactose intolerance, goat milk can be a great option since it naturally contains less lactose than cow’s milk. Goat milk may be a good option for those who have sensitivity to dairy products.

Why You Should Drink Goat Milk

For pregnant mothers – As the foetus’s only source of nutrition is the mother, a pregnant woman’s nutritional requirements increase dramatically during pregnancy. You may have heard of how some women lose their teeth during pregnancy, this could happen if mothers do not receive enough nutrients to support themselves and their children. Goat milk is the ideal solution that is nutrient packed and extremely healthy for the diet of a pregnant mother.

For Nursing mothers – The quality of nutrients in breast milk will differ regardless of whether mothers consume a balanced diet or not. Keeping mothers healthy and producing high-quality breast milk will benefit the growing child of a mother who has just the right food types. One of the best beverages guaranteed to give you and your little one the nutrients you need is ‘goat milk’. There are adequate amounts of vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin in goat milk. In addition, it also contains low levels of folates, vitamin B12, vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin D. Goat milk has also been known to:

  • Aids in the production of breast milk and prevents malnutrition in mothers.
  • The risk of constipation and bowel discomfort is reduced.
  • The loss of calcium during pregnancy and nursing can lead to fragile bones for the mothers, however, goat milk strengthens your bones.

As an added bonus, goat milk is rich in vitamins A and E, which moisturise the skin and encourage a healthy complexion. This helps to maintain a beautiful complexion.

Goat Milk: The Healthier Alternative   

Lactose levels in goat’s milk are slightly lower than those in cow’s milk – about 12 percent lower per cup – and they become even lower when cultured into yoghurt. Thus, goat’s milk dairy may be less disruptive to digestion than cow’s milk for those with mild lactose intolerance.

If you are not lactose intolerant, goat milk is the ideal option for you.

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